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Russian/Soviet Arms
This page shows the more famous pictures of Russian/Soviet Arms.


The AK-103 is a very modernized Ak design. The AK-103 fires the 7.62x39mm and is not avalible in the United States. But you are able to convert your Saiga sporter rifle into a AK-103 type rifle.

This is the AK-74. It was made in 1974 to modernize the Soviet's Arms. The AK-74 shoots the high velocity 5.45x39 round.
This is your classic battle rifle. You can find the Ak-47 almost anywhere in the world. Millions apon millions were created for other nation from the USSR. The Ak-47 fires the powerful 7.62x39 round. You can find the Ak-47 in almost every modern day war movie.

This is a more modernized version of the AK family. This weapon shoots the 5.45x39 and is used by not only regular infantry but mechanized and paratrooper infantry.


The Bizon submachine gun is used by special police. The magizine for this weapon is accually horizontal and shoot the 9x18mm or 9x19mm round.


The Dragunov is the prefered sniper rifle my most eastern bloc countries. The weapons shoots the 7.62x54r round. Also the Chineese have made some in the 7.62x51mm(.308)


The AN-94 is a revolutionary new design never seen before on a rifle. The barrel accually moves with the bolt, meaning the barrel kicks back when a round is fired. This rifle fires the 5.45x39mm.


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