Welcome to Jonathan's Military Arms site
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Welcome to Military Arms
Hi, Im Jonathan and this is my site. It is still under development, so please bear with me. This site was made so show some of the best military arms from across the world. So tell me what you think, and enjoy.
Back from Iraq

Hey everybody, just to let everyone know I am back from Baghdad, Iraq. So my updates should be pretty often. My email is here schwalbe262a@hotmail.com

Feed Back
This site is by far not perfect, and if you think you have an idea about improving this site, click on contact us and I will try to make your needs possible, thanks.

I will try to update this page a quickly as possible. The last update to military was September 29, 2006

I am also far from perfect. If you find any errors I might have made, please go to "contact us" and email me, thanks.

View Guest Book
If you would like to add your name to my guest book go to the "guest book" link. But if you would like to view it click on the link below.
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