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Military Pics
These are pictures of soldier around the world shouldering some on the arms you see on this page.

Iraqi Army

These soldiers are marching under the former regime of sadamm.


This is my squad deploying from a M2 Bradley and moving into a wedge formation for movement.

US Army
This is a picture of US Army personel in thier biological suit. This is becoming a more frequent exercise by the soldiers of America.
Austrian Army
These soldiers are carrying the Steyr Aug. Notice the simularities between the uniforms in this pictures and the uniforms of the WW2 German Army.


This is a picture of me during Infantry school graduation. I am pictured in front of a M2 bradley. I am carrying a M249 SAW.

More US Army
This is picture is of two soldiers hoisting a M240 .308 (7.62x51mm) machine gun. This is the biggest mobile machine gun carried by the US Army infantry.
US Army

This is a picture of me with some of my friends from basic trainning. The picture was taken during the Infantry school graduation. (Left to Right) PFC.Webb(me)-Louisiana, PFC.Glore-Alaska, PFC.Noel-Flordia.

SAS Irish Guard
The irish guard is a part of the UK's army and branched off from the SAS, an elite unit formed from WW2.

UK Army
These soldiers are carrying L85A1s with a Warrior tank in the background.


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